Yacine Belgaid

Email: yacine.belgaid12@imperial.ac.uk | Office: B123

Born in Haywards Heath, Yacine joined the Biomedical Engineering department, as an undergraduate at Imperial in 2012. His final year MEng project was titled “Design and optimisation of an amplifier for medical ultrasound front ends” . The core aim for that project was designing a fully differential amplifier on chip with an exponentially increasing  gain, to counteract the exponential drop of ultrasound echoes through tissue.

After graduating in 2016, he went on to continue as a Posgraduate, MRes in Bioengineering working on the optimisation of log-domain analog filter-banks for cochlear implant processors. Currently Yacine is a first year PhD student at Imperial and working on building a complete implantable system on chip cochlear implant.